Go Steelers!
Go Flyers!
Yes, I consider this an official, legitimate update to the ole blog. Tired and busy....
It's all good!
Went for my walk after work today and saw the old Bianchi single speed in my drive when I returned so I visited with Jackal for awhile.
Flew to The Great White North last weekend for a holiday party and ended up spending the night in The Cities due to fog in Waterloo that prevented our return. Oh well, such is life. Anyway, it was great seeing my friends from St. Cloud again and that made the overnight in Minneapolis worth it. It was good and Judy seemed to enjoy it. We were home by noon and at Toad's with Jackal and Moo by 2. Never been to Toad's? You should try it sometime. The food's good, the beer's cold, and the people are great. The first thing my good buddy (and waitress at Toad's) Diane Forker asked me was "what sort of trouble have you gotten yourself into lately?". Hmmmm..... I wonder why she asked me that? :)
That's all for now. Beddy-bye time.
Peace out, yo!