It's been awhile....
Lots of things going on around here. The weather has been up and down. A week or two with below zero (F) temps overnight and highs in the single digits. I was still able to get out and do some snowshoeing and a little bit of XC skiing, despite the cold. Jackal and I spent some time at Big Woods on skis last Sunday afternoon. It was good, especially after a couple of hours out there on snowshoes that morning. The skiing frustrates me because you go out in the morning and the ski trails are good and by the afternoon those trails are obliterated by walkers. I mean, they are gone to the point that you can't even see them anymore. That takes some of the fun out of it but, hey, whatcha gonna do?
Haven't been out to the Greenbelt yet this year. I suspect that those trails are probably better since it's a bit more remote than Big Woods Lake. Mark? I know you've been out there....
I've actually spent more time on the snowshoes than the skis. It's pretty easy to get the heart rate up and keep it up on shoes. Good stuff!
It's time to get back on the trainer, I guess. I've neglected it this year. Believe me, I definitely need it! What I'd really like to do is to ride it in the mornings before work but I get up and go to work too early. I 'spose I could make some adjustments to the work schedule.... :)
That's about it for now. Get outside and enjoy it!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!

Jackal and Me....
Lots of things going on around here. The weather has been up and down. A week or two with below zero (F) temps overnight and highs in the single digits. I was still able to get out and do some snowshoeing and a little bit of XC skiing, despite the cold. Jackal and I spent some time at Big Woods on skis last Sunday afternoon. It was good, especially after a couple of hours out there on snowshoes that morning. The skiing frustrates me because you go out in the morning and the ski trails are good and by the afternoon those trails are obliterated by walkers. I mean, they are gone to the point that you can't even see them anymore. That takes some of the fun out of it but, hey, whatcha gonna do?
Haven't been out to the Greenbelt yet this year. I suspect that those trails are probably better since it's a bit more remote than Big Woods Lake. Mark? I know you've been out there....
I've actually spent more time on the snowshoes than the skis. It's pretty easy to get the heart rate up and keep it up on shoes. Good stuff!
It's time to get back on the trainer, I guess. I've neglected it this year. Believe me, I definitely need it! What I'd really like to do is to ride it in the mornings before work but I get up and go to work too early. I 'spose I could make some adjustments to the work schedule.... :)
That's about it for now. Get outside and enjoy it!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!