Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's over!

The elections are over and in a couple of days they will be forgotten. Won't be mentioned on television, no more wasted ads in the mailbox, nothing in the papers, just the perpetual wish by the people for something better. (how ironic is that? we elect them, then wish we hadn't) The politicians will do what they do best.....take our money and spend it with an uncontrollable and insatiable appetite on unnecessary items and functions. Continual bashing of one another trying to gain favor with this group or that. They'll keep the fingers pointing and the next scandal brewing. They won't do much else. They never do. It matters not who is in office or what their election season ideals were, it will be business as usual. If you can keep someone else on the defensive, you'll never have to own up to your own shortcomings or lack of ability. They'll be spending money and making more and more laws. They'll say something that will piss someone off then they will spend the following days trying to explain how they were misunderstood. It's sorta sad. Whatever happened to honesty and personal integrity? Where did that go? Why can't we say what we mean the first time, then stand by what we believe? That's not politically popular. In fact, many times it would be political suicide. The United States was the greatest nation on earth until we were overcome with massive amounts of self interest and greed, both on a national level and on a personal level. Ah well, someday we will reap what we have sown. It has to be. It is written. It can be no other way. You see, it makes sense. That's something else that we've forgotten about. Common sense. It has gone the way of the Dodo.

Have a great day! Ride your bike!

Peace out, yo!


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