(Mostly) Ice Ride....
Fat Albert pimpin'....
A.Lo and Super Saul....
Re-grouping at Ford Road and C-57....
North to Janesville....
Double pace line....
Lock up your women and children, the Hell's Angels are in town....

A.Lo (thanks for the shirt, buddy) was in town this weekend and wanted to ride some gravel. 8 or 9 of us met up in downtown Cedar Falls for a 9 a.m. take-off that quickly became a 9:30 take-off. About half way to Cedar Falls I realized that I didn't have a spare tube or tire tools with me so I stopped to see The Thin Man and he took care of me in short order. He has my new headset in at the shop now, so he'll install that this week. A new Chris King with the "Sotto Voce", or subdued, graphics. Dark blue. Pretty sweet! Jackal rolled in right behind me and was in need of a spare tube also. What's up with that?
We rolled north on Center Street to Lone Tree Road then west over to Ford Road. This is where things got a little bit dicey. The gravel is about 90% covered in ice with a little gravel showing through in some places and a little bit of snow out toward the shoulders in others. Interesting, to say the least. Super Saul was the only one of the group that was riding studs. They would have been nice today. Anyway, we followed Ford road north to where it changes names, turns east, and connects up with old highway 218. From there we headed north to Janesville for a pit stop at the Kwik-Star.
The lady at the counter was full of piss and vinegar this morning, telling me I should have coffee rather than Bug Juice. I said no, the Bug Juice is fine. She said there were icicles hanging from my moustache and that I should have coffee. Then she asked if I had studded tires on my bike. I told her "no" and she asked if anyone had ever told us that we were crazy. I said "no, that's the first time I've ever heard that". We both had a pretty good laugh at that one. There were 8 or 9 cyclists in there and it was fairly busy so there were plenty of people thinking the same thing. The temps were in the mid to upper teens and everyone was dressed for it. It was actually quite comfortable.
After the pit stop I told the guys that I was heading back on old 218, so we said our good-byes and I was off. Not a lot of traffic so it was a pretty nice ride. Well, the 20 mph wind out of the ESE kinda sucked, but whatcha gonna do? Amazingly, every vehicle that passed me gave me all kinds of room. Thanks, drivers.
The rest of the crew was heading over to the Scout Camp area then coming back on Leversee Road. I suspect that they had a good time too. I ended up with exactly 27 miles. I suspect that they will have 35 or so when it's all done.
Anyway, that's about it for now. More later.
G-Ted.... We missed ya, Buddy!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
You guys are "some tough nuts"!
Glad you had a good spin....
Holy crap! Look at all the Ergon packs! ;)
it was fun. a good bunch of people on really crappy roads. what more could one ask for? :)
yeah, a butt load of ergon packs! must be guys that know you. i think i'm the only one without a pack of some sort. my water bottle started freezing to the point that you had to take the lid off to drink. ahhhhh well. you know what that's all about!
You're my boy BLUE! :) Hardcore!
You should've seen him riding too! He was hammering up those hills! Really he was! The only difference between him and Pantani would've been that Blue has hair!
He should've put some whiskey in his water bottle to help the freezing!!
Why do people assume you are crazy for being outside when it is cold? It is called layering and t really works.
awwww shucks. you're making me blush!
well, hair and the fact that marco is no longer with us. whisky probably would've helped.
they assume because they don't know any better. they should get out and try something, anything, sometime. behave yourself! ;)
I was only out walking yesterday and that wind was coooooold. Can't imagine it at speed.
Great that you guys could get out there. Looks like fun despite the pain!
Good on ya guys for getting out yesterday. We got out early yesterday too before the ice hit. Our roads were in better shape than yours (at least until last night) Convenience store ladies in the country have to have some piss and vinegar in them to deal with the farmers all the time ;)
the temps weren't really all that bad if you were dressed for it, which everyone was. the wind on the way back to cedar falls sucked. it was good.
you certainly have those ladies pegged. the kwik-star in janesville is right along the 4 lane so they not only have to deal with farmers but truckers and idiots too. i couldn't do it!
I couldn't help but notice where you parked your Colnago... I don't see any handicap hangers on your bike??? ;) Thanks for the ride Blue!
it was fun, eh? :)
i guess i owe you a roller dog from kwik-star for being the first to comment on the position of my bike in that picture. i forgot my hanger that day....
Blue: Sorry I missed out, but my wife came down with an ear infection on Friday night and I had to sit with my kids while she went in to Urgent Care on Saturday morning. Looked like a lot of fun, but oh well!
Phyllis is feeling much better, and that is more important.
glad to hear that phyllis is feeling better. there will be other days to ride, buddy! :)
Way to start the year!!! That pumps my blood when I see photos of group rides in the middle of winter. Hey, anyone can ride in fair weather. Have a really good year!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Looks like you guys had a great time on your ride.
You know, I look at these pictures and they just look like a normal ride to me. We are both nuts.
winter riding is good! i was really surprised at the room the cars that passed gave me. there may be hope!
keep it going, girl! :)
if you want to ride you have to take what momma nature dishes out. gotta love it, eh?
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