Purple cactus....
Jackal and Moo with The Queen on the carousel....
Movie star....?

Supposed to get up to 106F today. Nice! Getting ready to drive up to Scottsdale to pick up Brother of Jackal. The traffic is unbelievable.... You have to leave early to get where you're going on time. I'm not sure I could get used to this lifestyle. To each his or her own, I guess. :)
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
I've seen worse traffic....Chicago at 5pm.
106 is getting warm but, 115 is when it gets a little heady.
Mexican food was outstanding
Meh- It's 96 now with a ton of humidity here. You aren't missing much!
Stay safe and have fun!
What about Moo on the carousel? Am I chopped liver?
Love authentic mexican... how yummy is that and hope you savored it all.
it went past 106. yes, chicago at 5 on a weekday sucks worse han phoenix.
fortunately, it's a dry heat down here. like an oven. except when the wind blows. then it's like a blast furnace. :)
fixed. oops! :)
it was most excellent. the service was super! (i over-ate, of course)
i miss you too, buddy. i forgive you for ignoring my texts for 4 days. it's all good!
Glad you made it!
That movie star looks familiar. Is that "the Queen of Cross"? :^)
the traffic down here is insane but seems to flow pretty well, most of te time. you know how it is in winter when all the snowbirds are down here....
yup, none other :)
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