Cx starts next week....
Just off North Hackett....
West end of Mannat Lake....
Shirey Way. What's going on here?
I'm stumped....

Nice ride this morning.
What's going on in Hartman North with Shirey Way? It's been graded recently. Strange. It's been double track through there for years. I can't believe there's been a maintainer through there in over 20 years.... I hope they aren't planning to open it to vehicle traffic. It's one of the few quiet places left around here.
There were a lot of people out riding and walking this morning. A lot of Burleys being pulled. I saw Super as I was leaving Big Woods near Main. He said something about having to maintain his "endurance" heart rate for 2 1/2 hours.... We talked while riding for a couple of minutes, then he was gone.
Anyway, the leaves are on the verge of changing. I think it'll be a beautiful fall. It's my favorite time of year!
CX starts next weekend in Des Moines with the Capitol City Cross races. It should be good!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Gotta love those Michiganders and their modest sense of humor. I wonder if women could get away with a set of "twins" on the front of their car; hmmmm?
CX is here! Bring the pain. I have a couple more weeks to the next race so have fun out there and avoid the barriers at all costs!
I'll have to find a cx here ~ just to watch...the guys in the office next to me are into all of that, I'll ask them where they compete.
Fall is in the air here too, warm days cool nights, perfect! Our tree leaves are on the change already but not a very big percent. Bring on the pictures....
X RACING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol.... the twins on the front bumper would be too cool!
i will do my best to not be slown (i know... it's not a word) down by any barriers. lol.
you're gonna love it! be prepared for the craziness! :)
the cowbells are ready! :)
Just a thought...but do guys hang that on the truck because he is trying to tell the world he has a set...or because he is lacking something in that department?????
Anyone out there know the answer to that one?
Grading Shirey Way, eh? I thought it was in danger of becoming single track in a few years, so probably they were thinking something along the same lines. I can't believe Hartman would allow paving or traffic in there, but you never know.
I'll tell ya Blue, they do CX up right in Portland and Seattle. My oh my, but the stories I've been hearing out here of beer hand ups and wonky clothing, and....well- This is a public blog, so I'll stop short there! :)
i dunno. :)
i ain't wearin' boobs and lingere to any cx races.... those left coast dudes are nuts.
And Blue, PLEASE keep the neon green thong at home too!!!!
you promised, buddy. that was our little secret....
Let Lily know that the seasons are changing here too. Warm days (low 90's) and cool nights (upper 70's) It is getting so cool that I will have to close the pool next month..
Michigan kind of spanked Indiana this weekend, heh???
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