It was a little chilly at 9 this morning when I took off for a "short ride" and just as cold at noon when I got back! Jackal had just dropped off a crock pot to keep dinner warm and Judy was in the kitchen fixing the turkey when I left. When I got back Judy was still in the kitchen dealng with the turkey and the fixin's that went with it so I took a hot shower to bring my body core temp back into a more normal range. Jackal and Moo showed up with more food at 12:30 and we sat down to dinner at 1 o'clock sharp! It was all most excellent!
I think it was 16 degrees F when I left this morning with about a 20 mph sustained wind out of the west northwest. Windchills must have been around zero. Brisk! I saw a few people out running in GW and met a gentleman walking his daughter's dog (which he has inherited) out by Alice Wyth Lake. We talked for awhile and discovered that we know some of the same people and that we may have raced dirt bikes against each other back in the day. Funny how those things happen.
I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving today and that each and every one was able to realize how good we really have things.
Peace out, yo!
Oooooo, someone got their blog desinged.
Your personal Post Whore
Jackal stayed pretty busy on Thanksgiving Day working on the blog.
Pretty crazy how people think that "Parks and Recreation" means "City Landfill" I never quite understood how you could leave things like microwaves and other garbage at these sorts of places. It happens out in the Green Belt all the time. It's as though they think, "Hey, this is a beautiful place! Let's mess it up!"
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