Ulrich is out of The Tour before it even starts? Guilt by association, or what? C'mon..... This isn't real, is it?
Peace out, yo!
Under the Highway 58 bridge....
The Blue Colnago covered in water and mud....
Yesterday was cloudy as I headed south toward Hudson but it brightened up by the time I got there so I headed west on the Zaneta blacktop toward Dike. It seemed like there was no wind at all so I continued north through Dike and on up to New Hartford where I picked up a banana and some orange Powerade at the Kwik Star and headed over to Beaver Valley Road. When I got to North Union I turned left up to Cedar Wapsi and then east over to old Highway 218 then south back to CF. It looked like rain was coming so I didn't waste any time getting to Big Woods Lake Park and then on to the bike trail. By the time I got to North Main Street the wind was blowing and thunder was booming! It started pouring rain and hail by the time I crossed under the bridge on the east side of Gateway Park so I pedaled to the bridge near Pfeiffer and waited. I was soaked to the skin and was getting cold. The heavy rain lasted only 10 or 15 minutes and I headed to Krieg's Crossing and up to Pfeiffer as quick as I could. Raced up Grand then down Rainbow and into the driveway and started the drying and cleaning process. I had stuffed newspaper in my shoes to dry them out when Jackal came into the kitchen and made some smart-assed comment about getting caught in the rain. That boy is the Master of the Obvious, huh? Anyway, 56.3 miles on the bike and about 54 of those miles were dry and beautiful! I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! MotoGP at 5 on SpeedVision..... GOOOOOOO Valentino!!!!!!!! Chubs on the grill to follow.....
Pregnant women toasting marshmallows with sharp objects....
Does this scare anyone other than me?
Jackal teaching his brother to read....
"Is anyone listening to me....?"
Well, Lord Stanley's cup has been won and taken to North Carolina for a year. It was a good series and either team could have won it and I would have been happy. Paddy is bummed but I'm sure he'll be ok..... Gotta give Cam Ward credit for the way he played! That kid is awesome!!! (and a Canadian to boot, eh Paddy....?)
We had a cookout in the driveway on Father's day with "Chef Jackal" doing the honors. The chubs were excellent! Thanks Jackal! One of my co-workrs from Florida joined us for the festivities before twisting my arm to take him to Toad's for a couple of beers. It was a good time!
It's too late for a ride so I think I'll go for a walk tonight. I'm off to Minnesota on POS One tomorrow to spnd the day working and catching up on things with my friends up there in the Great White North. Later, all y'all!
Peace out, yo!
Whooda thunk you'd have to wear tights and underarmor on the 10th of June around here?
If you have permission, is it still trespassing?
Does it make a difference if it's "written" permission?
Just curious....
A balmy 52 degrees in Hudson this afternoon....
The primary elections are over....
The garbage remains....
Kids play soccer in the cold and wet....
35 miles including a trip to Hudson and 5 laps around Viking Lake. I'm finally starting to warm up! It was a good ride even if it was cold and wet! Better than sitting in front of the tube, anyway....
Peace out, yo!
I rode 42 miles on Wednesday in the heat and wind. 27th Street, Dike, Hudson. Big ringing the Dike/New Hartford blacktop from 27th to the Zanetta blacktop at 28 to 31 mph with that tailwind! Love it! I walked 9 miles on Thursday just to use some different muscles. It was good.
33 years ago today, Judy and I got married and I took her back to Germany with me a few days later. Wow! Do trees live that long? Seriously though, it's been good.
The weatherman said no rain until later today but it doesn't look so good outside right now. We'll see how the morning shakes out and try to get a few miles in on one of the bikes....
Have a great Friday!
Peace out, yo!
South on the Ho Chi Minh Trail....
Chilling after an epic sprint....
Brother of Jackal gave me this little guy for my birthday. He needs a name....
For those of you who like crowds....
Jackal showed up about 9 or so this morning to go for a ride. We went south down the bike path along the highway then crossed 63 and took the Ho Chi Minh Trail into Hudson. Eduardo must of been at work because we didn't see him out and about. We rode back north to the Ranchero Road Trail then over to Cedar Falls Industrial Park and through the Intersections of Death. Jackal wanted to sprint a couple of times so I just let him go off by himself. We rode down the trail into Cedar Falls, over to Pfeiffer, and then across Kreig's and over to Gateway. Got passed by some guy who was older than me who appeared to be training for that Race Across Iowa thingy. He must've been doing 12 mph! Whatever. Anyway, we continued on to Big Woods Lake then down into North Cedar and along the Cottage Row Trail and back into town. Goose poop everywhere! We had gone under the bridge at Main and were heading toward the Utilities building when Jackal gave me the "Lance Look" and started to sprint up over the dike by Washington Park. I said "crap", turned the crank twice, and let him go. Saving my energy for another day, Buddy! It was a super fun ride for me today! Thanks, Jackal!
The youngest brother of Jackal called while we were dodging wild turkeys on Claire Street to wish me a happy birthday. He dropped by after we had been back awhile and left me a present for my flower garden. A super cool cast iron gnome! I love it!
That's it for now. It's a beautiful day! Get out and ride! The forecast has changed for tomorrow and looks to be nice again so ride tomorrow too!
Kerkove.... You be careful tonight with them thar roadies.
Peace out, yo!
Another view of the crowds....
"Back of the Pack Racer" Greg White of Speedvision fame....
The Ducati of Neil Hodgson....
Jackal's new rig for next year....
Hmmm.... 24 hour what?
They built new restrooms and parking by the carousel turn....
Yeah, Brother of Jackal was drinking a little beer....
Brother of Jackal with Neil Hodgson....
E Boz approaching the Billy Mitchell Bridge....
Couldn't do it without the volunteer corner workers....