Christmas Eve....
Jackal at the mall....

Vickie's Little Secret....

"Look at the doggie...."

Baby Jake with crayons and paper....

Baby Rhea napping through lunch....

Sans Souci at night....
Christmas Eve day is for men to shop for Christmas. That's an unwritten rule. It's just the way it is. If women want to shop on our day they should learn not to be rude. They shouldn't get pushy in the video aisles of the electronics store. They shouldn't get to the checkout register and then go back to get "that one last item" after the cashier has rung them up. They shouldn't argue with the cashier when told that they can't use the "after Christmas coupon" on Christmas Eve. What part of "after Christmas" don't you understand? Don't wait until you get to the register to ask if they have "another airplane desk clock". If you wanted two of them, you should have asked a floor clerk for it before you got in the checkout line. Duh! Anyway, like I said before, Christmas Eve is men's shopping day. That isn't too much to ask, is it? If you MUST go out that day, follow the rules. Be polite. Take your time. Make sure you're ready to check out when you go to check out. It's simple!
Jackal and I went shopping this morning and had a fairly good time. The malls weren't busy and there seemed to be plenty of product available to pick and choose from. I love Christmas Eve shopping! I got everything I needed and didn't have to wait in line very long. It was good!
After we got done shopping we went to Toad's for lunch with Jackal and Moo and Eric and Nikki. I had HOT wings. Mmmmmmmmm..... Yummy! The only problem with that was that I went riding the Surly after lunch and felt like I wanted to hurl the entire time. 25 miles in 34 X 17.... I've been at it long enough to know better! Oh well.....
Baby brother of Jackal is here now. I'm going to take a shower and tip a couple Guinness' with him.
I hope that each and every one of you and your families have a wonderful Christmas. Take a moment to remember what it's really all about........
Think of our servicemen and women and perhaps say prayer for them and their loved ones.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!