1st Snow....
Front yard flower bed....
Bird feeder....

1st snowfall of the year today. It looks like about an inch or so. The forecast is calling for 2-4, but I don't think it'll happen here.
Jackal and I are thinking that perhaps we'll ride our bikes up to Readlyn for dinner tomorrow. It's 23 miles NE of here and it's asphalt county roads all the way. It should be in the mid to upper 20s with the wind out of the NW at about 10 mph or so when we'd be riding, so that's not bad. We'll see. He suggested that I leave 20 minutes ahead of him and see how long it takes to catch me. Hmmmm..... I think he's planning to use it for a training ride for this weekend's Jingle Cross in Iowa City. He want's me to be the rabbit. You get no respect from your kids these days.... :)
I had quite a lot going on this past week and I'm tired. Really tired. I think I'm done for now. Have a GREAT Thanksgiving!!!!!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Riding to Thanksgiving dinner sounds fantastic. Stay away from the pumpkin pie and ice cream and have a good un!
I did that once at Easter. Forgot the bike was on the car on the trip home. Hit the top of the garage. Not pretty.
Never did that again!
Happy Thanksgiving; stay warm Bugs! :^)
Blue - it is 38 here right now. Brrrr. Happy Thanksgiving.
your ride to TDAY dinner sounds so fun! good for you. i'm kicking myself for wimping out on mine this year.
i stayed away from the pie. i had a pumpkin bar instead. no whipped cream. no seconds.
i put the bikes on top of the car and took them off in the driveway. i'd feel terrible if i crushed jackal's bike. :)
38 is perfect riding weather! :) hope you had a great thanksgiving too!
you should have gotten your ass out of bed and come along with us.
there's always next year! ;) i like to ride on christmas and new year also. don't know why. i just do.
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