

Hamming it up....

Little Jake with his new hardware....
I went to lunch with a co-worker today and stopped in to see The Thin Man after eating. Cap'n Bob was at the shop with his new Mamasita when we got there and is looking pretty fit. Watch out for him at the TT's this summer! When we walked in he and my co-worker stared at each other like they knew each other from somewhere. You know the look.... Turns out that Mike coached The Cap'n in Football about a hundred years ago. The Thin Man and I just sat back and watched. Kinda cool.... I sat in the truck on the way back to work and listened to Mike take a rather entertaining (and revealing) stroll down Memory Lane.
Eric and Nikki stopped by this evening with the boys to visit for awhile. Little Jake was in Iowa City earlier in the week to have his "halo" installed in preperation for his upcoming corrective surgery. He's doing great! What a trooper!
I love comments....
I really do enjoy hearing what all of you are up to and what you're thinking, so feel free to comment anytime. Don't be shy. Actually, when I publish a post that garners no comments I start to think that no one is reading and I figure I probably ought to shut 'er down.... Or I've bored you to sleep. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. I've been married almost 35 years and my wife rarely ever agrees with me, so I'm pretty much used to it ;) (sometimes just knowing that you're right has to be enough....) All I ask is that it remain kinda civil. You know, don't get too nasty. That hurts my feelings because I'm a really sensitive guy.
That's it for now.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
What? Huh - oh excuse me - I was fast asleep there for a while
Your sensitive brother.
Yeah, I know the feeling, Blue. You put up a post and........crickets.........:>)
I love it when Carlos brings Rhea into the shop. She stands there and watches me talk at her with that, "I'm not too sure about this guy" look on her face. It's a riot.
Lookin' forward to ridin' some dirt with the Cap'n and you too Blue. Can't wait for spring!
Guys that ride single speed Surlys can't be sensitive!
good seeing you blue. good to see ole coach again. wow. what a trip down memory lane. now we just need to get that guy on a bike.
Blue - I hope Jake does well with his surgery.
Not many bank pictures lately. Are the temps not brutal enough to be picture worthy this year?
i hope i didn't wake you....
signed, your sensitive brother....
she's a piece of work, eh? we'll ride some gravel with the cap'n
i'm not really all that sensitive ;) (you already knew that....)
we'll have to hook up with g-ted for some gravel when it gets above zero.
thanks. jake has already been through a lot and has quite a bit more to deal with but he's tough as nails and will be fine :)
it seems like the temps have been brootaly cold since november. my trainer is getting a workout in the basement, for sure. rode the rollers tonight. well, i hung onto the freezer and pedaled. comedy. judy walked down and said "you're fucking crazy!" i smiled at her....
Blue - keep those posts coming, love reading what going on in your life, (and the families). My prayers go out to little Jake, I know that little warrior will have a strong story/ testimonial to share with others in later days. He'll be a life changer and life saver for many kids to come, just watch!! Give that kid a hug for me and tell him that lots of us are cheering him on.
thanks, pete. little jake is a piece of work! he does just about everything that the other kids do including running and jumping and acting crazy. the doctors said he'd never be able to turn himself over, let alone walk or run, but he's showing them!! he can do anything that he puts his mind to, and believe me, he puts his mind to a lot of things. :) he has a lot of determination.
Yeah, comments can brighten your whole day. I'm guilty of reading without commenting to save some time. Gotta slow it down a bit and give back to the folks who write great blogs!
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