Mini Tour....
Brother of Jackal and Clay Bertram....

Doug and Fat Albert assured me that both deserve some sympathy after yesterday's canoe trip with Tony. Tony wasn't at the group ride tonight to defend himself so I'll reserve judgement, for now. I think the words Doug used were something like "Tony is a 6 foot 2 inch, 210 pound kid". Yes, they got wet, and yes they had to swim after coolers full of beer. Sounds like it may not have been accidental after all.
There were about 11 or so who showed up for the group ride tonight and they were kind enough not to drop me until we were well out of town. The pace picked up rather quickly and poof, I was off the back. I tried chasing for a bit but soon realized that it was an exercise in futility so I just settled in and pedaled. The temps were nice and the wind was out of the north at about 10 mph. About a mile or so after I was dropped I saw someone up ahead so I picked up the pace to try to catch up and found Clay and Brother of Jackal waiting for my happy ass.... Cool! We went out to the end of 27th Street then headed north to New Hartford. The place still looks sooo different after the tornado and the flood but it is clean. I know that a lot of work went into that because it was in bad shape the last time I rode through there. Piles upon piles of wreckage all over the place. They have cleaned the cemetary up really nicely and it looks like there is some rebuilding activity going on at Deer Run. There is hope!
We ended up with 35 miles and felt really good. Clay is a motor and pulled me over the hills. He kept a good 20 mph pace most of the ride and it really felt good. Brother of Jackal is getting stronger and smarter with every ride.
That's it for tonight.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
You are one lucky guy to have those boys trained so well and willing to pull your a . . . ummm, bike around town!
It was rare if my boy would go out on the road and it was everything I had just to keep up. Not much drafting in the woods either!
Have a good weekend!
Brother of Jackal figured he better wait for the guy who hooks him up with the bike and kit.
Sounds like the "boyz" still look after you!
Glad to hear that everything is starting to recover from the tornado...nice that they've been able to rebuild some of Deer Run and the cemetary.
It is good to hear that the cemetary is is good shape I have a young brother buried there. I grew up near there was was sad to hear of the news of the tonados there, Most of my family there was not hit, Thank it be to GOD for that, You guys keep riding and be safe in Iowa, And I'll stay in AZ in the sun and traffic,
W. Bertram
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