Spooky Cross fun....
Sydney mixin' it up....
It was a bit muddy today....
....I think Steve will agree.
Jackal heading into the motel last night....

Spooky was a blast. Thanks to J.J. Bailey and the entire crew. Ya done good.
The 40 mph sustained winds and 50 mph gusts made it interesting today. All the mud that was ridden on and (kinda) dried out yesterday was replaced with new mud in different spots today. :) It was good. Rode with Scott D. and John A., as well as the Kat yesterday. That was good! I finished DFL both yesterday and today. That has to be some kind of record:)
To answer Steve Fuller's question: FSA Gossamer compact with a 36 tooth chainring. Works good for an old fat guy like me.
Petey, Andy, Rob V., Bruce.... Good seeing you guys! Rob, thanks! Squirrel, you da man!
Report and more pics to follow.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Nice pics Blue! Yeah....that wind was nuts today. Just think, it was almost identical to that day last April when we ran Trans Iowa.
That Squirrel.........
nuff said!
Great job out there Blue. Great to see you and family again. I don't care if you were DFL., you were out there and lookied good riding, that's worth a first place in my book!!
DFL is still a placing!! LOL...
Good job Blue!
as for Squirrel ~ TMI!!! LMAO
Looks like a lot of fun; painful, painful fun!
You are damn consistent, I will give you that much! :^)
Good work Blue.
Stay having fun, I look at it this way any time I get a DFL it means I payed less per minute then anyone else out on the course- so for a bargin hunter like myself it's the best way to have gotten the best deal!
ride safe
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