The Birthday Girl....
All smiles....
She likes "Cars"....
Brother of Jackal and Carly make their entrance....

Rhea's birthday was actually on Tuesday but the party was on Saturday. Lots of kiddies and quite a few adults joined in the festivities honoring the 2 year old Queen of Cross. Cars. Lots of Cars and Pooh. That's my girl! She received a Pooh that blows bubbles. Freaked her out for a second but then she loved it. They didn't have things like that when I was a kid.
I got a little riding in today. A bit over 25 miles on the paved trails through the parks. The wind was out of the SE at about 25 and you really felt it out in the open areas but when you were in the woods it was pretty calm. Got home just after dark.
I need to do some work on the CX bike this week. The rear shifting is acting up and I need to check it out. Something minor, I'm sure. I have new Frogglegs brakes and BBS cartridge brake shoes to put on it one of these days and I found a compact crankset so I'll be putting a 36 tooth chainring and guard on it and running it as a 1 X 10 for the rest of the season. That will work fine for me....
That's really about it for now. I hope everyone got to ride this weekend!
Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends.... Tomorrow is the day!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Oh she is such a cutie!
Glad that Pooh Bear was a hit! Thanks for the Canadian shout out...I'm sitting here with my back patio door open enjoying the sounds of the birds and the spectacular colours of the trees....BLISS!!
Love that Girl!
What do you have for cogs on your X wheel?
Hope to see you in the Quad Cities this weekend
i'm sitting in my office listening to the rain on the roof. yukkk.
quad cities for sure! i need another dose of ass-whoopin. ha!
i'm running 12-27 on the rear. when my fat old butt gets tired it's all i can do to roll the 38-27. 36 should be perfect for me. i've lost 25 pounds over the last 8 months or so, another 30 to go and i'll be in good shape!
Happy b-day Queen of Cross! She is so cute!
Sorry I missed your last blog; that night ride sounded like a good time (great pictures too).
My rear derailleur was acting up this Friday and I finally figured out it needed LUBRICANT! Amazing how much better it works when you use that! :^)
CX bike looks great. I have got to get one of those next year (stock market erased any hope for this year).
i like riding at night. it's time to get the doubleshot out though. i've been riding with one of those little cateye single aa battery lights. it works ok at dusk so that people can see you, or as an auxillary helmet light, but not so hot as your main light source in the dark. the soubleshot lights up the night, for sure!
yeah, lube is good but it didn't take care of my rear derailleur problem. jackal is gonna have to look at it. oh well, that's what sons are for.
soubleshot? hmmmmm..... you know what i meant. :)
Blue: That's okay; I just assumed you were finishing off the rest of that Buffalo Trace! :^)
P.S. I saw a bottle of that on the shelf this weekend at a local wine and beer store. I will have to pick one up and keep it in the cupboard for the next time your here in Dodge City!
Carlie!!!!!!!! Spell your future daughter-in-laws name right!
that's what i meant. carlie. :)
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