Stopped for the night....
Scary handlebars....
Big Chief....
Weather station....
Old Route 66....
New Mexico....

We're at a Holiday Inn Express in Kansas tonight. The town we had planned to stay in is hosting a girl's softball tournament and there isn't a room available anywhere. None, ZIPP, nada. Reserve a room ahead of time? Ha! You don't know me very well. LOL.
This town is 24 miles down the road from the last one and they have some overflow from the tournament, plus 3 tour busses. Only two rooms available. King suites. Nice. I told the girl at the desk that it was more than I wanted to pay. She used my AARP discount and then discounted it even more to something more reasonable. (I would have taken it at the original asking price. I'm tired. Had to try.) It's the second time I've done that this trip. Santa Fe, New Mexico on the way south. Fairfield Inn. Pretty cool. It's always nice to save a few bucks. Judy won't go in with me when I ask for a room. LOL.
The first pic is outside the Veterans Hospital in Phoenix. One of the employee's bikes.
Second and third pics are somewhere in northern Arizona. The rest are in New Mexico. It's been fun. (The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th pics were taken by Judy.)
I discovered on this trip that Texans are still polite and that Oklahomans still love their excessivley large pick up trucks with ungodly loud exhausts. (It's been awhile since I've been to either state)
I haven't been on a bike since the 16th. I wonder if I'll remember how to ride?
Beddy bye time for me. Judy's already sleeping, though she isn't snoring yet.... :)
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
LOL, Judy, come on hike that skirt up, show some cleavage and crack some bubble gum, it'll give the girl at the check in something to talk about till she's 80!!!
Love the rainbow shots, very cool!
Glad you two are having fun!
Actually, after so many full parking lots, I bet him $5 that this one was also full. We he came out with a key, it was surprising. But after that snoring comment...that may cost him that $5. It is a very nice room. All they had left were king suites, which means you get a bigger room with a couch and a chair.
What is AARP????
Brian B: AARP is old persons speak for "The Older Than Dirt Club". Once you become certifiably ancient enough to qualify, you get special treatment at some hotels, motels, and McDonalds. :-)
I had a chuckle about those Oklahoman's trucks. They use those in the panhandle of Texas too, Blue. Duallys, 4X4, and big wheels with a gun rack for good measure.
Hope ya made it home safe!
Ted: Ahh ha ha ha ha ha!!! No wonder I didn't know what it was!!!! :-)
Hmmmmm and to think Brian does not know that AARP membership is open to people age 50 or older. Unless he cannot add the numbers up correctly, born in 1957 add 50 years and that equals to would have been eligible to join 1 yr and 364 days ago. You're missing out on those discounts. LOL :)
you butt munch! you got your card before i got mine.
Brothers are fun. I wonder if Andrew and Dylan will talk like that some day :)
Miss you guys!
oh yeah, they'll talk like that. they'll whoop up on each other, too....
Life is good!!! :-)
Judy, Thanks!!!!! :-) I already get free food at McDonalds....
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