Friday the 23rd....

HO HO HO!!! It looks like Santa has already come to town!
I had to have the rental back to the airport by noon. Everyone I know was working today so I decided to ride The Yellow Bike back home. Bad rental! Bad! Don't try to eat The Yellow Bike!!!
It was a balmy 39 degrees in Cedar Falls...
Nice lid, Dude!!

The Yellow Bike pimpin'.....
The new studs work great! Neat sound on Pavement too! GRRRRRrrrrrRRRRRrrrrr.... When you smooth the spin they say grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........
So, there I was.... Just riding along.... (both (in)famous comments in one caption. Pretty good, eh?)
My girl Gigglebutt just returned from 3 months working in Germany and brought this gift back for me. A flippy bottle to boot! Brings back some memories of "long ago and far away....." Thank you, Jenny! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Prosit!
The drive back from the Great White North last night was uneventful. Spent an hour in The Cities going the last 6 miles on the 494 to where it connects with 35w going south. It gave me the opportunity to "people watch" while sitting there in traffic. Everyone has a cell phone growing out of their ear while driving up there!. I guess it's the same here. : ( Oh well..... I listened to Melissa Etheridge on the CD player and just watched... It's all good!
I stopped by the plant last night when I got back into town and dropped a few things off and checked my email. It was a nice surprise to find a bottle of German beer from Gigglebutt on my desk. She's one of my employees who has just spent the last 3 months working in Germany. She spent a couple of months in Korea earlier working as a "Camp Adventure" director for the children of military men and women overseas. Thanks for the beer and welcome back!
I had to drop off 18 cartons of Jr. Hawks Hockey programs at Northland Oil this morning before getting gas in the rental and taking it back to the airport. Everyone was working today so I didn't have a ride back from the airport but it was wayyyyyyy nice outside so I decided to take The Yellow Bike along and ride it home. Glad I did! It was the first time that I've had a chance to ride it since putting the studs on. Pretty cool! I know now why G.T. likes them so much!
I headed south down Airport Blvd. then west on Airline until I got to Aikey's corner. Headed north there and rode around the loop and back into town on Main then up Bluff and along Waterloo Road to Grand and then back home. It was a nice ride. It's been at least 3 weeks since I've been on the bike and it felt pretty good!
That's it for now. I hope everyone has a great Christmas! I need to get out and do my shopping, not much time left.
Peace out, yo!