Jackal told me to never write about sex, politics, or religion on my blog.
One of these days I plan to do all three. Just for shits and giggles.
I told him that my "blogosphere friends" should "know" me well enough by now to survive anything I might write about here. I told him that I can't imagine that anything I'd write would offend anyone of you. I also told him that if I did offend anyone, you'd get over it. You may not agree with my opinions and thoughts but, hey, that's ok. I can guarantee you that I won't agree with everything you might say or think, but that won't change the way I feel about you. Fair enough?
It's my blog and I can write what I want to, write what I want to....
So, there we are...
I didn't go to the group ride tonight. No fuel in the tank. I've been waiting for a harassing email from Fatty giving me hell for not showing up. It should be scathing. It started raining pretty hard at about 10 till 7 and I was thinking "boy, I hope Fatty is out there getting his ass soaked". I really did. Not only did I think it, but I hoped it. Good training for him for the race he has coming up this weekend. 200 miles of gravel. Him and G-Ted and Super and Doug. Crazy. Hope y'all have fun!
Well, I just got the email from him. I'm now a "fair weather rider", according to Fatty. Damn! That hurts! Was it last Tuesday that it was raining and I was the only one to show up? Two weeks ago? Oh well....
He said he just got home, stripped naked, and started drinking beer. Said I'm not high on his priority list. I told him to kiss my ass. Gotta love the dude!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!