Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Damp days with Fatty....

Fat Albert....
Sacrifice.... Before the blood turned red, it was C-Dale green....

I left work early today to drive all the way to the other side of town to renew my drivers license and to fill out a profile card at the bank. It was raining cats and dogs when I received a text from Fatty. He said something about going for a ride so we shot text messages back and forth for a few minutes, then I went home. Just an FYI.... People in this town drive like morons. The worse the weather, the more chances they take and the stoopider they drive.
I got home and turned on the 'puter and sent my little buddy an email asking if he was going riding. The rain had almost stopped and he was saying something about waiting awhile for it to pass. I called him a pussy. I feel bad about that but it's the truth. I did. (The part about feeling bad about it isn't true, though) I got dressed and met him out on the trail and we rolled south to Hudson. It had pretty much cleared up by then, though the trail was quite wet and we were getting wet from the spray. It started to rain when we were just outside of Hudson. A light, cool rain. It actually felt pretty good, as you can see from Fat Albert's smiling face in the top picture. He's a bit warped, ya know.
Judy told me that I was an idiot as I was going out the door. (She was smiling....) When I told Jeremy that she had called me that he said I was moving up in the world. I said "how so"? He said an idiot is higher than any of the asses. Sweet! That's kinda like skipping a grade in school!
Anyway, it was a fun ride with good conversation. Well, we conversed a little when I would catch up to him. Then he'd drop me like a bad habit again and I'd chase so we could talk some more then he'd be off again. Strange little dude. I think he's an accomplished sadist. He tortured me on Ho Chi Minh and smiled all the while.
The 3rd and 4th pics are Jackal's leg. He's doing some follow up training with a newer laser operator in our facility in Florida this week and took a spill, apparently, while riding his brand new C-Dale Rize mtb down there with a couple of the locals. Well, it isn't actually his. He wanted to send his bike down there for the week but it was brootally expensive to do that so he made some calls to see about renting one. He has connections! Talked to The_Smackdown in Minn-ee-so-tah, who talked to someone in Florida, who arranged the use of a bike from a dealer in Winter Haven for the week. Gratis. How sweet is that? Jackal bleeds C-Dale green and got hooked up because of it! (the blood actually comes out green then turns red, so as not to freak anyone out. That's a little known fact that I thought I'd share). He said all that was really injured was his pride. He sacrificed his body to save the bike!
That's about it for this evening.
Thanks for the ride, Fatty! It was good!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!

I just received a message from a normally reliable source stating that Jackal loves Florida and is thinking of moving down there permanently. Seems impossible to me but, well, who knows.....? Perhaps he's taken a liking to palm trees and sand?

Ride safe.

Peace out, yo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your source must not be his wife :)

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your source must not be his wife :)

9:53 PM  
Blogger Brian B said...

Florida sucks. Alabama rules!!!!!

Roll Tide!!!!

1:30 AM  
Blogger bluecolnago said...

no, it is not

no, it is not

wow. i'm speechless.

5:26 AM  
Blogger Carl Buchanan said...

Your source is as unreliable as they get. Must be a politician.

7:38 AM  
Blogger bluecolnago said...

not exactly a politician. he does work for the government though....

9:06 AM  
Blogger Carl Buchanan said...

no comment on that one....

10:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Florida is hot and flat. Don't sound like any fun to me. Winter training camp maybe, but permanently; you can have it!
Bad weather riding? You're a better man than me. Guess you can call me a pussy too.
But just don't call me late for dinner!

11:03 AM  
Blogger bluecolnago said...

be nice :)

yeah, it's already humid down there too. i get to spend a week there in early June. I'm excited. Not!

bad weather is subjective, i guess. it was just a little damp. fatty played me just long enough that we missed most of the rain. it was good!

9:34 PM  

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