Fun at Camp....
Ok guys, does anyone know what we're doing.....?
Cap'n Bob rides "Big Mo" in the Petrified Ostrich Rodeo.... He made it nearly 2 1/2 seconds before being thrown....
The Cap'n clearing one of the many technical sections....
Eduardo testing his mettle on the "Hell of the Midwest"....
Whoa.... Tight fit....
Kerkove mining for gold. Nahhhh, it's a yoga exercise. Helps him relax.

On Saturday the 19th several of us met up at camp to put the final touches on the course for Eduardo's race. It was a good time and everyone was in great spirits. Eduardo may have been a bit nervous but that's the way he is. He wants to put on the best possible event and that makes him worry. Well, maybe the crew of misfits working for him make him nervous....? Can't blame him for that. Anywho.... It all worked out and everyone had fun. The "Hell of the Midwest", A.K.A. the sand hill had him giggling knowing that the athletes would be "surprised" when they saw it on Sunday. I think it was a nice touch. That and the Le Mans start. And the "up downs" on the obstacle course at the start of the running portion of the event.... Oh yeah! It was unique and exciting!
That's it for now. I really just wanted to share the pics.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
sounds like a cool race!
Jackal has a sweet mower. I wish I bought a bigger one. Maybe he will trade me.
Why is it that Mr. 24 wears that same shirt to the Camp to do......whatever it is he does! :)
it was a blast! everyone had a good time!
i could use a bigger one too! it fits him perfectly and i don't think he'd give it up.
yeah, well.... who knows about kerkove?
Man, that tree makes me look fat.
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