Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Nice day....
George Wyth Lake....
A bike rack out in the middle of nowhere....
Actually, it's the trail head for a walking path
through some restored prairie. It goes out and
around an Indian mound, which is kinda cool.
The end of the trail....

Actually, it's the trail head for a walking path
through some restored prairie. It goes out and
around an Indian mound, which is kinda cool.

I'm sure it'll be nice when finished.
I hope the "high end" campers don't mind bikes....
No more windbreak in the winter....
Heck, no one uses the trails in the winter, right?
It's been under water several times this summer.
The water is still high, but this section is dry for now....
Jackal took a picture here yesterday
and I had to go check it out. Weird!
Someone's idea of a prank?
I have to go back to work tomorrow so I thought I'd better get in a good ride today with the beautiful weather. Upper 40s and a 10mph breeze. Excellent! I rode the grass dike along Wyth Lake and then out and around Big Woods Lake on the paved trails. I also had to check out the "no bicycles" sign on the bike trail where it crosses under 18th Street in Cedar Falls. Jackal posted a pic of it yesterday and I just had to go check it out. It must be someone's idea of a prank, or perhaps one of those mothers who push the baby carriages along 3 abreast with no idea what's going on around them put it up. Pet peeve.... Ha! Not only is that rude and inconsiderate, it's dangerous for the cyclist and the little one in the stroller as well. Anyway, I got in just shy of 30 miles. Nice ride!
I talked to one of the guys working on the street this morning to find out when they will be laying asphalt. Sounds like tomorrow will be the day! Woohoo! That will take about 2 days so I suppose it will be open in about a week. I like that idea! He also told me that after this section is done they will be finished for the year. That means that from the end of March through November of '08 we will have a low traffic street again while they attempt to finish 3 more sections to complete the job. It will be interesting to see if they get 'er done.
My brain says "that's it for now....."
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
P.S. I just had a thought! Why don't they ask the trail users what they would like to see done before they go out and make "improvements" like clear cutting all the trees along the lake? Or like spending over a million dollars to build a campground that won't be anywhere near self supporting? (it will have city sewer to all campsites, running water, electricity, and cable for your television! That's not how I define camping, but hey, what do I know? To each his own, I guess) Just curious.... Perhaps I'm jumping the gun here on the tree thingy. Maybe they'll plant new ones to replace some of the old ones. Cool! I have to admit that it is a nice area. A real gem. I'm sure I'll get used to the campground, too. Someday. Maybe.
That's it. Rant off.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Chilly ride....
Sun coming up over the Cedar River....
The other side said 51. It was actually 31. New sign needs to be dialed in....
Black Hawk Park....
Sunrise.... The river is still quite high....
Changing color....

It was still dark outside when I left for a ride on the Surly this morning. Cold, too! The local news and the internet said 31F. (The new sign at the Chamber building in CF must not be dialed in yet, it said 41. My fingers don't get cold at 41F, but they got cold this morning!) It was 36 when I got back home 2 hours later. I was surprised to see a few bikers and walkers out and about after the sun came up this morning. I saw John Adamson's bike sitting outside Cup o' Joes when I came down Main on my way back home, then I met John Fisher near Pfeiffer Park a few minutes later. All that by 8:30 in the morning! I should've brought some cash with me today. Coffee would have been good about the time I saw John A's bike outside the coffee shop! I'll store that thought for future reference.
John Fisher was taking only his second ride with clipless pedals today. He told me about his first instance of coming to a stop yesterday and being unable to clip out. You'd have to know John to appreciate the way he was telling his story. He said he felt like a "big ole' redwood" as he fell to the ground. He gets excited and his eyes get big then he starts laughing. I chuckled when he was done and let him know that it still happens to me once in awhile and that I've been riding clipless for years. Who doesn't remember that never ending trip to the ground when everything is in slow motion and you can't do anything other than ride it out? He told me how he went to The Shop last night and Jackal put his rear wheel in "that machine" and straightened it out "like magic". He said that Jackal told him "we may as well do the front one too". He was impressed! John is a good guy and a cycling fool! He used to take his Gary Fisher 29er out to the park to try to chase the roadies down. He just traded that bike in so that he could do it a little easier on a "bike with skinny little tires". Like I said, you'd have to know John. :)
Well, that's it for now. I need to go check on the crew working on the street out front. Make sure they're doing it right! Ha!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Monday, October 22, 2007
The cement truck arrived at 8:30....
It took less than 30 minutes....

They poured all of the driveways on my street today. They started on mine at 8:30 and were doing the next one at 9:00. If every crew that worked on this street were as punctual and industrious as this crew, they would have been done 3 weeks ago and could have moved on to the next section. It appears that they will re-open the street when they finish this section (the 2nd of 5) and start again in the spring. Hmmm....
I have a sore throat that's kicking my ass today so I went for a walk rather than a ride. The high today was about 52 and it's windy but the walk was good.
State CX champonships this coming weekend in Newton. I'll be there ringing my cowbell and chasing Rhea around. Should be good!
That's it for now.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Off Airline Hwy near Aikey's....
Water over the road at Black Hawk Park....
I went into the park anyway....
Baby Rhea and I went for a ride after lunch....
She was excited....
Rolling along....

I went out for a ride on the Surly this morning. Mid 50's and sunny. There is still water over the East Lake Trail so I rode the dike to Greenbrier and took Airline to Cedar Falls. Once passed the Rollerdrome I headed out to Big Woods Lake via the back roads. I went around the east side then through the sand where the north end of the trail used to be. I was hoping they would replace it yet this year but it doesn't look like they will. It's about 300 yards of sand to the old parking lot and trail head. It's not bad if it hasn't rained in a couple of days and it was an easy trip today. It's torn up this year so that they can put in a "high end" campground for motor homes complete with electricity, water, sewer, and cable hookups. I liked it better when it was woods along the bike path. Must be some demand for $40 a night camping. Hmmmm..... From there I headed out to Black Hawk and rode through the park with NO automobile traffic. It was nice and quiet out here this morning. I rode out there awhile then rode back around the west side of Big Woods and into Cedar Falls. Went to lunch at Toad's with Judy, Jackal, Moo, and Baby Rhea, then came home and took Rhea for a ride in the Burley behind the Surly. She lasted about 5 minutes before falling asleep. :) We got in a bit of gravel grinding and bike path riding. The trailer pulls pretty easy....
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Saturday morning....
38 F in Waterloo this morning when I came into the plant. I think it's about 40 now. Like Chris says, it will soon be time for pics of the bank and chamber thermometers. Oh yeah!
I have to write a performance evaluation for one of my managers this morning, then I think I'll go ride my bike. It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend. 72 F is forecast for today.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
38 F in Waterloo this morning when I came into the plant. I think it's about 40 now. Like Chris says, it will soon be time for pics of the bank and chamber thermometers. Oh yeah!
I have to write a performance evaluation for one of my managers this morning, then I think I'll go ride my bike. It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend. 72 F is forecast for today.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Noticable progress....
The curb machine....
New storm sewers....
Almost ready to pave....

They made noticable progress on the reconstruction of our street this week. The end of the 8th week of this 4 week project, and it's finally looking like the makings of a street rather than a mud bog. Close. So close. I'll be glad when we can get back into our driveway. Totin' groceries for half a block is getting old.
Cross race in the Quad Cities on Sunday.
Ride safe.
Have a great weekend.
Peace out, yo!
I saw Eduardo yesterday at lunch. He's still alive and kicking!
Good to see you Ed!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
I saw Eduardo yesterday at lunch. He's still alive and kicking!
Good to see you Ed!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Spooky Cross II....
I almost wet my pants when I saw this picture on Jackal's blog. I swear it gave me goose bumps! This is what cross racing is all about! Yes, baby, yes!!! It was taken at Spooky Cross II on Sunday by Amy's cousin Terry, then stolen by me from Jackal's blog. Go to his blog. When you get there, click the pic to blow it up. Look at it. See the suffering? Isn't it GREAT? It's almost orgasmic! Yesssssss.........
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo