Bloody Marys and blueberry muffins. Yumm!
The back view from our hotel....
Fort Myers Beach, Florida....
The Gulf of Mexico....
Warm white sand....
Mike didn't believe that the natives have better tans....
No question about it.... It was hard work. We left at 7 a.m. on Thursday and I got back at midnight last night. It was 85 F when I boarded the plane in Fort Myers and 35 F when I got off in Waterloo. Where would I rather be?
It's good to be back.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
You forgot the following captions:
"Warm white sand and ghostly white legs"
"Bright, red, forehead"...hope you didn't get any raccoon eyes from sitting on the beach!!! Oh wait...yes I do!!!
Holy cow! You are so white it's almost a shade of blue.
Doesn't look like you're getting ready for the Wed night TT's but probably having more fun.
See you soon.
oh yeah, i have raccoon eyes! i thought i'd go blind watching the scenery on the beach, er, i mean from the sun reflecting off the sand.
fish belly white. the whitest dude on the beach. spf 50 sunblock. i'd still be the whitest dude on the beach!
oh yeah, the bloody marys for breakfast on thursday morning in minneapolis were excellent!
The key to your successful trip was no teenagers!
Glad you survived the ordeal.
I take it your commercial carrier showed up at the gate on the way back! :^)
i had a few adults who were acting like teenagers. worse. lol.
we flew northwest. they are as bad as i had remembered them. that's another story for a blog post. :)
That's sort of a fanny pack your hooters girl is wearing...maybe I am cool.
i never looked at them, errr,i mean "it", that way, but you may be right! she was a piece of work!
That Bloody Mary looks good. I am on a 6 month long Bloody Mary kick.
Glad to see you are back safe and sound. I have a question. Does every beach in FLA have that dude with the sunglasses on it? ;>)
ha ha !
See ya soon, I'm off to warmer climes myself........
For some reason I keep staring at the very last picture!!!! :)
bloody marys and blueberry muffins for breakfast. mmmmm.........
yes, every beach in florida has that fish belly white dude with the sunglasses on it. have fun out west! be safe!
me too. ;)
all I can say is that I love the fact that your facial expressions don't change with the climate =)
I agree a.lo! If you look at every other "Kerkovian" picture taken by Blue, his expression is always the same! No smile...nothing! I also wonder if he's actually sitting in a lawn chair in the warehouse at work while taking those pictures, just with different backdrops!!
You should really repost that last picture a few more for the next few weeks!!! Maybe even make it your header??!!
a.lo, anon....
it's the nerve damage that won't allow me to smile.
i like the lawnchair in the warehouse thing. i may try that later this morning after i get back from drug training at the hospital.
i'll post that pic as often as you like, but in all honesty, i don't think mike's all that cute. whatever trips your trigger, i guess.
The photos of frivolity are really just an elaborate ruse. Team Discovery went to Mallorca in the spring, CSC had Solvang and Father of Jackal has his secret Florida training ground. You guys out there better look out!
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