Thursday, May 29, 2008

The weather this year is just plain weird. The high today was something like 51 degrees, or so. Normal highs would be in the low to mid 70s. And we've had some rain. About 2 inches today. I made up my mind early this afternoon that I was going to ride this evening, rain or shine. Well, I had my wipers on all the way home from work. It was still sprinkling when I walked from the mailbox to the house. It was sprinkling when I set my bicycle outside before I put my cycling shoes on, but when I went out to ride it had stopped. Hows that for timing? Oh, it was definitely a little bit damp but still quite pleasant during my ride. Even the 18mph wind out of the east didn't bother me much. Just happy to be out riding!
I guess that some days are like that. The ride makes up for the weather. It was good.
Little Jake made the trip back to Iowa City yesterday for an evaluation of his legs and what can be done to correct his club footedness (is that a word?) We thought that they would break them and then adjust and pin them like they did when he was a baby. Nope! Not this time. It seems that the doctors think that they can put them in casts to try to get them to move back to a more "normal" position without surgery. Woohoo! We were all happy to hear that!
Check out the Bike Tech site for some pics of the Snake Alley race from this last weekend. SWEET!!!! Yes, it really is that steep and yes, that is really brick pavement!
Well, that's about it for now.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Monday, May 26, 2008
A-1 Vacationland....
Father in Law's house....
Lots of trees down....
This one took the power line down but didn't break the wires....

It looks like a small tornado ran parallel to the one that hit Parkersburg and New Hartford. Right down Dunkerton Road for about 3 miles. Lots of trees down, semi trailers flipped over at the paper recycler, and quite a bit of damage to the RVs at A-1. The farms on the north edge of the airport look like they got hit pretty hard. It took half of one Morton building and spread it to the east for about a mile, all the way to Wagner Road. The barn at the farm across the road had the steel roofing ripped off of the leeward side and spread for about a mile. Power poles are laying on their sides for about a mile along Wagner. My uncle lives on Wagner, about a mile south of Dunkerton Road and didn't appear to get much more than the 93 mph winds they clocked at the airport, which adjoins the west edge of his property. We're about 3 miles south of the airport and barely got any wind or rain at all. Weird.
Rode to Hudson and back this morning. It's gorgeous outside right now. I met Super Saul along the Ansborough trail as I was coming back into town. He was heading south to check the new chain and his final adjustments on his Gary Fisher 29er before heading out for next weekend's Dirty Kanza 200 mile gravel race over in Kansas. Fat Albert, G-Ted, and Craig Severson from Europa are all going over to race the gravel also. Have fun, guys! Many different set-ups from these guys.... G-Ted and Craig are running SS 29ers, Fat Albert is running his Motobecane CX bike, and Super is rolling his full suspension, geared Fisher 29er. Says he "want's comfort".... I'm with ya on that!
I guess Jackal stopped by to see if I wanted to ride with him today but I was already gone. :(
That's it for now.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Happy Birthday, Little Jake....
Jackal helping Jake pack his parachute....
High in the sky....
Blue leading the Tour de Readlyn....
Relaxed pace....
Almost to the finish line....
3 wheels....
So, there I was....
Adjusting Jake's new helmet....
Freedom on his new bike....
The Queen of Cross....
I dig this 2 wheeled business....
Cutting the cake....
Eating the cake....

Little Jake turned 5 on Friday. The party was Saturday evening in Readlyn. It was good! Jake was one happy little dude! He received a new Spiderman 2 wheeled bike and retired the 3 wheeled bike. Amazingly enough, that ended up at my house for another young'un to ride! He had a bunch of neighborhood kids at his party and everyone had a great time. He also received a new red Mustang, which is still sitting in the living room. I suspect he'll be cruising the driveway real soon!
Tornado in the area today. It is being called an F5 and it took out a good chunk of Parkersburg, New Hartford, and Hazleton. Did some damage at my father in law's place and all down the road he lives on. Left debris in Eric's yard up in Readlyn. People 100 miles away in Wisconsin are finding debris from Parkersburg and Waverly. They are saying that there were 5 dead in P'burg and 2 in New Hartford. Nasty business.... We were under a tornado warning here but it passed a few miles north. Wicked.
That's it for now.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Farmer's Market....
Quite a few people. No fresh produce.....
Rollin' home with my goodies....
Lots of people on the trail this morning....

I got up ths morning and said good-bye to Judy as she headed out the door to go to work at the Credit Union. I then checked my e-mail, took a shower, and headed out the door with the Surly for the farmer's market in Cedar Falls. The rear brake was making a very annoying noise as I pedaled along so I decided that I would have The Thin Man check it out after I'd gotten a few items at the market. I was going to stop and see what he had as far as a rear rack anyway, so I'd kill two birds with the proverbial single stone....
I got to the farmer's market over on Third between Franklin and Clay at Overman Park and who do you 'spose the first people I see were? Jackal and Moo with The Queen of Cross. I went over to say "hi" and Rhea leaned toward me, apparently to give me a hug, and reached up to snap the buckle on my helmet. Hmmmmm...... Too cute. I'd just unsnapped it when I rolled into the market and got off my bike. Little Miss Safety got me. It's a good thing that she can't write tickets for things like that because I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten away with just a warning. (I did get a hug, btw....)
I told Jackal that I was planning to stop by The Shop after I finished shopping and see about a rear rack and asked if he had any suggestions. I wanted something that was easy to install and remove and that wouldn't interfere with my fenders when I have them on the bike. He said to get a messenger bag. Hmmmm.... Good idea!
I bought a loaf of peppered parmesan bread and a jar of apple cinnamon jelly and put them in my shopping bag. No one had any asparagus or radishes so I headed to the shop to talk to Brent. Must be a little early for fresh produce around these parts and apparently no one is growing in greenhouses this year. Oh well....
The Thin Man and I looked through the catalog for a rack but we didn't find anything that I liked. He had a silver and red Timbuktu messenger bag that I did like, so I bought that and transferred my bread and jelly to it and rolled down the trail after he'd found and fixed the problem with my brake. Thanks Brent!
We have a graduation open house to attend for the son of one of my co-workers this afternoon then we'll head north to Readlyn for Little Jake's birthday party. He's 5 today! Woohoo!!!! It's gonna be fun!
The forecast for the rest of the weekend is calling for rain. I hope I can get some miles in on the road bike between rain showers.
I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend. Give some thought to our troops, past and present. They are, after all, the reason for this long weekend.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Busy weekend....
The Depot in Boone....
Our Dining Car....
The locomotive....
Jackal and Moo....
What's left of my salmon and rice pilaf. The steamed veggies were good too....
We went looking for Herman but he wasn't home. Couldn't even find 1313....
Eagle Center with a tailwind....
Back into Waterloo via the Riverwalk....
The Queen of Cross cheesin....
Inside the tube....

Let's see.... I did yardwork yesterday morning rather than go for a ride. It was a beautiful day but the work had to be done. About 1 p.m. Judy and I headed south to Boone with Carl and Amy to have dinner on the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad's dinner train. Jackal is a train nut and it was a surprise for him. It was also a combination Mother's Day/Fathers Day gift for Judy and I. It was SUPER! I think that Jackal was duly impressed and everyone enjoyed themselves. They brought broccolli with Judy's veggies so I asked if she was going to eat it.... Ha! I knew she wouldn't, so I got some extras! I had shrimp cocktail as an appetizer and the other 3 had a fresh fruit cup. I wasn't so lucky in scoring cantalope as I was with the broccolli. The desert was an absolutely delicious cheesecake with chocolate and caramel topping. Probably about 2 million calories. Thanks for the gift, Amy! Most excellent!
The wind was out of the almost dead north this morning when I took off on the Colnago heading toward La Porte. The trip south was pretty easy with the 25 mph tailwinds but the stretches to the east were brootal, making it difficult just to keep the bike on the road. I made the 32 mile trip through Hudson and Eagle Center in about an hour and 29 minutes. I tooled around La Porte for about 20 minutes then stopped and bought a Coke at the local Fareway. I drank that in about 30 seconds, ate a granola bar, and headed north on the bike path to Waterloo. I had hoped that the trees along the trail would give me some shelter from the wind but they didn't give me much relief on the almost 22 mile trip home. It was all I could do to maintain 16 mph on the trail and when I got to Evansdale it kicked my ass to maintain 15 along the dike into Waterloo. All I could think of was that this ride was taking care of the cheesecake issue from last night. When I got back to the Cattle Congress grounds I saw that the Fed still has the bike trail that runs behind the fairgrounds blocked off with big concrete barriers. How much ya wanna bet there's gonna be another "raid" in the next few days?
Anyway, I met jackal and Moo while coming down Rainbow about a block from home. They turned around and came back and waited while I showered, then we went to lunch. We went to Island Park afterwards and let Rhea run wild and play on the slides. She had a blast!
After the park we came home and I turned on the Flyers-Penguins game and watched my boys get their asses handed to them. Oh well, there's always next year. Chalk one up for The Fat Cat!
I was flipping back and forth and watching the Giro also. What a finish! Daniele Bennati edged Paolo Bettini at the line by about 2 inches in a wicked sprint. Go Liquigas!!! Awesome!
Rossi put the hurt on the rest of the field at Le Mans today to take over the lead in Moto GP. Yamaha took the top 3 spots today and were looking very strong. Way to go!
I just heard from Fat Albert. He survived another killer gravel grinder today. I think he'll do just fine at Dirty Kanza....
That's it for now.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Happy Friday....
Going to Hudson....
Back into Waterloo....
Homeland Security. Keeping you safe.
This morning on my way to work....
The Flyers won last night! Woohoo! Darien Hatcher didn't get a penalty that resulted in a goal against his team in this game. That's a plus.
Quick ride to Hudson and back last night. Just spinning and enjoying the scenery. Came back on Ho Chi Minh and didn't get passed by a single car. That was pretty nice. No traffic is always good.
Nice outside this morning and it looks to be a beautiful day on tap. The weekend looks good too. I'll take it!
Liquigas looks good in the Giro. Sweet!
Gotta get coffee....
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!

The Flyers won last night! Woohoo! Darien Hatcher didn't get a penalty that resulted in a goal against his team in this game. That's a plus.
Quick ride to Hudson and back last night. Just spinning and enjoying the scenery. Came back on Ho Chi Minh and didn't get passed by a single car. That was pretty nice. No traffic is always good.
Nice outside this morning and it looks to be a beautiful day on tap. The weekend looks good too. I'll take it!
Liquigas looks good in the Giro. Sweet!
Gotta get coffee....
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I had planned on being out of the office at 4:30 sharp yesterday so I could get a good ride in. As often happens, one of our accountants walks in at 4:25 and has an issue that takes until 5:15 to clear up. I think he does it on purpose.
Anyway.... I was on the road by 6 and made a quick spin down to Hudson and back. It was a nice ride! When I got back Brother of Jackal was working on his motorcycle in the drive and asked when I usually ride. He knows when I ride but he wanted to start a conversation to let me know that starting on Monday he will be back on first shift and I'll have a regular riding partner again. Cool! I'm looking forward to that.
Our local fairground is filled with the Department of Homeland Security and their minions holding 400 or so illegals that they took from a meat processing plant up in Postville. It's been the talk of the town since Monday. (It pretty much decimated the town of Postville..) They took the fairgrounds over a week or so ago and made the raid and arrests on Monday of this week. A bunch of jack-booted and body armored feds with automatic weapons all over the place. They were holding "Federal Court" in the old ballroom until midnite last night. They'll all be gone to jails around Iowa by later today. Do ya' suppose there will be another raid this week? They have the fairgrounds leased for another 10 days..... We'll see.
A chilly 41 F this morning with fog rolling off the river. It'll get up into the upper sixties by this afternoon. I love it!
Dallas beat the Redwings last night and looked fairly good while doing it. That makes it a 3 games to 1 series in the Wings favor in the Western Conference finals. The Eastern finals continue tonight with the Penguins holding a 3-zipp lead in the series. Can the Flyers come back to whip up on the Pens and give us a Flyers/Stars cup? Wouldn't that be COOL? FLYERS WIN!!!! FLYERS WIN!!!! Whatever.... There's always next year.
That's about it for now. Have a great day!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
I had planned on being out of the office at 4:30 sharp yesterday so I could get a good ride in. As often happens, one of our accountants walks in at 4:25 and has an issue that takes until 5:15 to clear up. I think he does it on purpose.
Anyway.... I was on the road by 6 and made a quick spin down to Hudson and back. It was a nice ride! When I got back Brother of Jackal was working on his motorcycle in the drive and asked when I usually ride. He knows when I ride but he wanted to start a conversation to let me know that starting on Monday he will be back on first shift and I'll have a regular riding partner again. Cool! I'm looking forward to that.
Our local fairground is filled with the Department of Homeland Security and their minions holding 400 or so illegals that they took from a meat processing plant up in Postville. It's been the talk of the town since Monday. (It pretty much decimated the town of Postville..) They took the fairgrounds over a week or so ago and made the raid and arrests on Monday of this week. A bunch of jack-booted and body armored feds with automatic weapons all over the place. They were holding "Federal Court" in the old ballroom until midnite last night. They'll all be gone to jails around Iowa by later today. Do ya' suppose there will be another raid this week? They have the fairgrounds leased for another 10 days..... We'll see.
A chilly 41 F this morning with fog rolling off the river. It'll get up into the upper sixties by this afternoon. I love it!
Dallas beat the Redwings last night and looked fairly good while doing it. That makes it a 3 games to 1 series in the Wings favor in the Western Conference finals. The Eastern finals continue tonight with the Penguins holding a 3-zipp lead in the series. Can the Flyers come back to whip up on the Pens and give us a Flyers/Stars cup? Wouldn't that be COOL? FLYERS WIN!!!! FLYERS WIN!!!! Whatever.... There's always next year.
That's about it for now. Have a great day!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Rhea says "where's my lunch?"....
Fat Albert getting back from a very long gravel grinder....
West toward New Hartford....
Looks like some planting is getting done....
Into New Hartford....

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there! Where would we be without you gals?
Lunch at Toad's with Jackal, Moo, and The Queen of Cross. Yummy! I ran into an old friend and co-worker down there whom I hadn't seen in awhile. He was in town from Grundy Center with his wife and family for Mother's Day.
I took off about 5 to ride to New Hartford and ran into Fat Albert on the trail as I was heading over to Cedar Falls. He was just getting back from a gravel grinder that made my entire body hurt just hearing about it. The wind today is a sustained 25-30 out of he NNW and he rode about 40 miles straight into it. I probably would have gone north to start and rode back with the tailwind but he's an animal and wanted to do "the ridge" down by Traer. Gotta go south to get there! Good seeing you, Buddy!
I took the Trail to downtown Cedar Falls then headed out 2nd Street and eventually Union Road to Beaver Valley Road. The wind was KILLER!!!! I had to pedal HARD to get 15 mph on the downhill after the viaduct by the Retreat House. Wicked! I always laugh when I get to Beaver Valley Road because the sign says "New Hartford 4". Well, it's 5 1/2 miles to the top of the hill by the cemetary and nearly another mile into New Hartford. That sign has said 4 miles for as long as I can remember, and it's always been nearly 6 1/2 miles. Even when I was a kid. Perhaps it's a state sanctioned joke? Anyway.... Like I said, the wind was out of the NNW so the major issue going west was keeping the bike straight on the road. I was really looking forward to the trip from New Hartford to 27th Street! It's 4 1/2 mles of rollers and it went by in a snap! Woohoo!
The 9 miles from the end of 27th to the Dome flew by also. Kat passed me in her Mercury Lincoln and slowed down to say "hi" and snap a pic of the "Bob Roll look-alike" cruising into town. Good seeing you, Kat!
It ended up being a touch over 38 miles today bringing the weekend total to about 94. I'm still about 700 miles behind where I was at this time last year but I'm feeling pretty good. Just need to get rid of some of this fat! :)
No near altercations with cars today. Sweet!
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
All wet....
The Cedar Valley Railway station in Gilbertvlle....
The elevator....
Sharing the trail....
Old railroad bridge over Wolf Creek....
Nice day....
Welcome to La Porte....
Main Street....
"You can trust your car to the man who wears the star...."
Out of La Porte....
Eagle Center....

The forecast was calling for the "possibility" of showers. It was 49F and it wasn't raining (yet) so I took off for La Porte City on the C50. About 15 minutes into my ride it started sprinkling but it didn't feel bad at all, so I kept riding through downtown Waterloo to points south. It never really stopped until I got to Hudson, which was 45 miles later. It was a good ride! 54 total in about 3 hours and 15 minutes. The first thing I did when I got home was to clean and dry my chain then take a hot shower. Yeah, baby!
To the BUTT-MUNCH in the baby- shit yellow PT Cruiser on Dysart road.... Yeah, you. The jackass who wouldn't move over while passing me even though there wasn't another car on the road anywhere within sight. You gave me a good 12 inches clearance. You did it on purpose. You should've stopped when I invited you to. We could've danced and whispered sweet-nothings to each other. It would've been sooooooo much fun. You're a menial minded mental midget incapable of original or complex thought.
The forecast for tomorrow is crap. The Surly doesn't mind getting wet. I have fenders for that one! We'll see.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!