Happy Friday....
Going to Hudson....
Back into Waterloo....
Homeland Security. Keeping you safe.
This morning on my way to work....
The Flyers won last night! Woohoo! Darien Hatcher didn't get a penalty that resulted in a goal against his team in this game. That's a plus.
Quick ride to Hudson and back last night. Just spinning and enjoying the scenery. Came back on Ho Chi Minh and didn't get passed by a single car. That was pretty nice. No traffic is always good.
Nice outside this morning and it looks to be a beautiful day on tap. The weekend looks good too. I'll take it!
Liquigas looks good in the Giro. Sweet!
Gotta get coffee....
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!

The Flyers won last night! Woohoo! Darien Hatcher didn't get a penalty that resulted in a goal against his team in this game. That's a plus.
Quick ride to Hudson and back last night. Just spinning and enjoying the scenery. Came back on Ho Chi Minh and didn't get passed by a single car. That was pretty nice. No traffic is always good.
Nice outside this morning and it looks to be a beautiful day on tap. The weekend looks good too. I'll take it!
Liquigas looks good in the Giro. Sweet!
Gotta get coffee....
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Flyers were looking good last night. They need to come out in Game 5 just like they ended last night and they'll definitely have a good chance at keeping the series going.
Here's to hoping we have a Flyer's-Wings showdown in the Stanley!
Coffee: Nectar of the Gods!
Have a great weekend and get some miles in.
Correction... Liquigas LOOKED good in the Giro. Today's stage kinda sucked for the guys in green, but they'll be back...
Congrats on the win. Only three more out of your mind performances to go.
I don't know if you allow conspiracy theorists on your blog but... Don't you find it funny that the Pens lost only two games, those games would have ended the series(and the cash flow), and a lucrative and high exposure weekend on NBC was the result of those losses. HMMM. I told my dad that they were going to lose prior to the game and that Detroit was also going to lose but he didn't buy into my "hand of big brother" theory. Hey, it's no crazier than ASO picking and choosing who they want to win their races.
coffee is good!
go flyers!
we can only hope!
"flyers sweep stars in 4, return to philly with lord stanley's cup" wait, you said wings, right? ;) i like the wings at hooters.
your boys in green will be just fine. they're looking pretty darned good! and yes, pink and green go fine together :)
fat cat....
i absolutely love and will certainly welcome conspiracy theorists here. your theory isn't at all far fetched. money is everything. i mean, what the heck, lance won the tour 7 times and wasn't doping when apparently everyone else in the peloton was. **wink wink** (well, he didn't dope after epo became a banned substance. no, wait. he didn't use epo after it was banned. that's what i meant to say)
Coffee is not good. Lil' Debbie's are (especially Swiss Cake Rolls). New helmet? Seen any yellow PT cruisers up close and personal lately?? Hope not.
whoever told you that coffee is not good is full of crap. it's good. swiss cake rolls.... mmmmm. yummy.
my old helmet smells like my hockey equipment and there's no getting rid of the stench. nope, no yellow pt's....
you grinding tomorrow?
I have one of those helmets.
Going to Decorah Sunday Monday Tuesday for relax and ride bikes with the mrs.
from sycmore
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