The toll booths have been abandoned....
Just a little wind and rain....

This hurricane business is boring. Seriously. I 'spose it will get worse this evening and overnight, but up to this point it's been boring. Probably a good thing.
They closed down our Florida plant today because we expected a big storm. I went in anyway with a few others. The only other businesses that seem to be closed are the government offices and schools. I know that's hard to imagine. :)
We're supposed to fly back tomorrow from Orlando but that could still change, I guess. We'll see.... Hopefully Tropical Storm Fay runs completely out of steam and we have clear skies and nice temps.
I will say that the temps are much nicer today than they have been. Almost cool.
Fat Albert is getting to be a pretty popular guy up in Canada.... Lily and the Wooo Hooo's are doing their part to promote the tour.... You'll have to check it out here....
I think that's about it for now....
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!
Glad to hear you escape Fay's wrath.
So, now to the important stuff: did ya bring me back anything? :^)
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