On the way to work this morning....

The Queen in the toob....
....get tired of the games your co-workers play? Especially the ones who know better? You know the ones, the "adults". Have you ever wanted to fire someone just because they are difficult, argumentative, obnoxious, manipulative, deceptive, and sneaky? How about the one who always has to be playing a game to show how smart/stoopid he or she is? Or the one who plays a game until he or she tires of it, then starts with a different game? Ahhh well, such is life.
It snowed a bit last night. I'd guess about an inch or so. This morning is cold (14F) and windy. Kathy at the convenience store asked if it would ever be spring? She's a funny lady, about my age, who gives everyone who comes through the door a load of crap. It's always different, always funny. That's probably why they're always busy.
Anyway, I have a small crew working this morning to finish a couple of big jobs so that we can get them out the door. I also have a proposal to write regarding whether or not to keep a big press that's sitting in our former Georgia plant. I'm struggling with it because, quite honestly, my feelings toward it are relatively neutral. I don't want to sell it because machinery brokers are crooks and I know that we'll be able to use it again in another year or so. I shudder at the thought of keeping it because I know that it will be a serious pain in my ass to get it moved and rebuilt, then re-installed halfway across the country. Training a new operator won't be fun either, but that part of it won't be my problem. I'm just going to put a bunch of numbers on paper and see what I come up with. I've been gathering data for a week and presented the raw information to some of the other managers yesterday. Two of them want to keep it and bring it here to Iowa, two want to keep it and send it to our plant in Utah. The other two want to see what I come up with prior to having an opinion. Yeah, right. One of the last two is my boss, the President of Operations and the other "undecided" person is the President of the company. Yippee! We left it in our Georgia plant when we moved that part of our business to Florida last year because no one other than me thought it was worth keeping at the time. I'm going to sit down with the president of the company on Monday and pitch it one way or the other.
Jackal brought The Queen of Cross to the house yesterday evening for a little visit. Judy was still at work and Moo was out shopping so it was just the three of us for an hour or so. She sat in my lap and listened while I read "The Pink Panther and the Haunted House" to her. I'd read, she'd turn the pages. Too funny. Her timing was off just a little bit on the page turning but we got through it just fine. She sure does love her daddy! She usually gets my pennies for her pig when she comes down, but yesterday she got two nickels because I had no pennies. (I have some today, after buying coffee on my way to work...) Of course she doesn't know the difference in value yet, but she still likes her coins. Good stuff. I remember the smiles on my grandpa's face when I was a kid, and the smiles on my parents faces when my kids were small. I understand now what it was all about. We're truly blessed with the 3 Super Hero grandsons and The Queen.
Well, I better get to tabulating data and putting the proposal on paper. I don't want to be here all day. I'm thinking that an hour or so on the trainer will be a good thing for me when I get home. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!