Sunday, October 01, 2006

Black Hawk Park....
Leaving BH Park for Washington Access....
Everyone is nuts around here....
Poor little snake....
A little gravel....
Ford Road....
GW singletrack....
It's in excellent condition....

By the river in GW....

Just cruising along....

Met Super Saul and the Missus at BH yesterday. They were out cruising around in the beautiful weather too.

Rode the trail up through Black Hawk Park and then the gravel back to town where I then hit the GW singletrack. It's in great shape throughout. The bars on the Surly are quite a bit wider than those on The Yellow Bike and I nearly caught trees a couple of times but it ended up fine. I tried the singletrack on the east end of Hartman north last week but it's pretty much grown over. Time for a weed eater out there. I didn't try the west end and don't know how it is.

I think that those who ride horses in public areas should be held to the same standards as those who walk their dogs and be required to remove the poop that their animals leave behind. Nasty!

More pics to follow.

Peace out, yo!


Blogger Carl Buchanan said...

Aw nuts, there's a snake

9:11 PM  

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