Smokin' dope....So, there I was....
I left the plant at a quarter of 6 this evening to head home but when I crossed Donald Street I saw the train. One of
Jackal's beloved freight trains rolling into Waterloo. I said "crap" and thought to myself that I have nothing better going on so I decided to wait for it. (I waited yesterday, too. And Wednesday.)
It was a long one and I could tell that it was blocking all four of the intersections that I could easily use to get home. I didn't want to add 5 1/2 miles to my trip, and I was first in line, so I waited, watching the grafitti go by.
After about 5 minutes a car pulled up behind me and decided to wait too. 2 brothers in the car. Smoking dope. I couldn't help watching them. After about 20 minutes of waiting they rolled another and fired it up. They were definitely rockin' to the beat. Funny.
I could see that there were about 10 cars left to go through the crossing when the train stopped. I waited. I knew it would roll again soon.... The minutes ticked by. The brothers rolled out, back the way they'd come. I wasn't moving because I knew the train would start rolling again as soon as I turned around. 15 minutes. 20. I left and drove back to Donald then down to Longfellow and across the highway. Still sitting there. It's a main route to the hospital. I waited a few minutes and watched. It had taken 20 minutes to the point at which it stopped. Then another 20 until I left. And 10 more before I finally headed home. For all I know it could still be sitting there....
I do not share Jackal's love of trains once they've blocked an intersection for more than 5 minutes. It's a serious waste of my $3.15 gas. Shoulda ridden my bike, I guess :)
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!