Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sweet Gravel Grinder, er, I mean Cyclocross bike....
All it needs is pink bar tape....
The CRD has to go....
I like this bike.
Order one at the Shop or talk to Buchanandale or Kerkove.... Available December 23rd.
Peace out, yo!
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Saturday, November 25, 2006
I had another puncture tonight. (Is that 3, Paddy, or 4 this year?) Geez! I rode south to Hudson on the Colnago and punctured about a mile or so north of town while I was on my way back to Waterloo. Front tire. Psssshhhhhh...... The front felt funny and when I looked down it was nearly flat. Crap! It was dark outside and I changed it by the light of my Cateye Doubleshot. The new tube that I had with me had a short stem and my wheels are Shimano Aeros.... CRAP!!! CRAP!!! The valve stuck out about 1/4" and my Blackburn pump wouldn't go over it far enough to get any pressure in it. Thankfully I had a CO2 inflator in my seat bag and it fit onto the stem just fine. I squeezed the trigger and voila'..... The tire was hard as a rock! That's the first time I'd ever used one of those things! Woohoo! All the air went into the tube!!!!
The remainder of the ride home was totally uneventful, for which I'm glad, because my cell phone battery was nearly dead and I didn't have another tube with me. I would not have enjoyed an 8 mile walk in cycling shoes!
So, now I'll charge up my cell phone and put yet another new tube in my front tire so that I'll be able to get a pump head on it. All will be right again with the world. :)
Ride safe!
Peace out, yo!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Baby Rhea and G'pa napping....
Rhea saying "hi"....
Heading into Hudson from the west....
Jackal's Saeco Cannondale....
Another view....
The Six-13 and Blue....
The weather was most excellent for a quick trip to Hudson and back. I hadn't ridden the Colnago since late August or early September. I've been spinning the singlespeed or riding The Yellow Bike all through the fall. The road ride was good and spinning the Surly for the last couple of months seems to have helped! Thanks for not dropping me, Jackal!!! That Six-13 of Jackal's is one sweet looking ride and seems ultra smooth!
G'pa and baby Rhea are spending the afternoon together. She's so sweet! We napped and then she ate and slept some more. I guess that's what babies do!
Have a great weekend! Ride safe....
Peace out, yo!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Jackal was going riding this morning, but after a 60 hour work week, I didn't want to get up at the ungodly hour that he was planning to head out so I slept til 8 or so and then headed out on the Surly for a 25 mile ride. The weather couldn't be better for this time of year! It was 50 degrees when I passed the thermometer in Cedar Falls at 11:22!!! Met Super Saul under the bridge as I was approaching Pfeiffer on my way back home.... Hope you have a good ride, Ron!
Judy has been up most of the night getting Thanksgiving dinner ready. It smells great! We'll be eating about an hour and a half from now and the aromas coming from our kitchen are making me hungry! Turkey, roast beef, corn, and sweet 'taters along with a couple of pies are waiting up in the kitchen. Anyone who thinks that preparing Thanksgiving dinner is quick and easy is full of poop! THANKS JUDY! You're AWESOME!!! I need to take a shower and then help get the car loaded to head out to Orvin's. I hope that everyone has a GREAT THANKSGIVING!
Ride safe!
Peace out, yo!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Went out and rode 21 miles on the Surly after dark last night. The Cateye Doubleshot is UNFREAKINBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! Turns the night into day! I have to say it's a 10. A+++
Sitting here at the plant this morning updating this blog...... I could be riding my bike! It's nice outside this morning! Ahhhhh well. A little later.
I hope that those of you going up to camp today have a good time. Jackal is planning on a road ride sometime today. The Shell Rock loop, I think.
That's it for now. Don't waste the good weather.
Does anyone know what the liquid volume of a 320 ml flask is?
Peace out, yo!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Everyone knows that I want a new headlight for riding in the dark, right? My Opticube EL500 is ok, but, well, you know.... So, I contact Kerkove at the shop to order one for me and he tells me that there are two coming in and that they aren't spoken for. With me so far? Cool. He emails me today and lets me know that they are in and that he set one aside for me if I want it. Super cool, right? Oh yeah. It gets better.... Jackal shows up at my house about 20 minutes after I get home from work and hands me a brand new Cateye Doubleshot. Still in the box!!!! Woohoo!!! So, I get out my checkbook to pay him for it and he tells me that it is a late birthday present and an early Christmas present. Whoaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Whatcha think about that? Personally, I think it's pretty cool! Thanks, Jackal!!! :) It should light up the night!
You'll notice that Mr. Bidwell correctly answered the question of the week this morning. A cup of coffee for that man for answering the question! The guy in the picture that the question referred to is Roger Doty from Clarksville, Iowa. I've known Roger for about 23 years and worked with him for over 20. Mr. Bidwell isn't kidding about Roger being a good cook.... Mmmmmm...... The man CAN COOK!
I suppose that everyone has heard by now about the plane crash in Indiana on Monday that killed 5 Iowans. Tom Dunphy was one of those killed in that crash and was a friend of mine. He was with our ad agency and had led strategic planning sessions for us at POS. He was in our plant quite often and always had a smile on his face and time to talk. He could have been an endurance racer or something with his seemingly boundless energy and enthusiam for all that he did. Say a little prayer for him and his family and for the other victims and their families, please. Thanks.
That's it for now. I just wanted to share those things.
Peace out, yo!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Is someone hi-jacking blogs?
We seem to have lost Diana, Paddy, and Shona. Redirected to some BS advertising in the first two cases and Shona's blog seems to have just disappeared. What's up with that? I hope it's not some Dork with too much time on his/her hands just screwing around out there. That would be pretty lame. If that is the case..... I'd like to meet him/her somewhere for a cup of coffee.... hee hee...
Peace out, yo!
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
and it moved amongst the people....
and they became used to it....
and they accepted it....
and they slept....
and when they awoke....
all was changed....
yet, they didn't notice....
and what once was, wasnt....
and what could never be, was....
and they knew not....
The serpent was subtle....
peace out, yo!
The elections are over and in a couple of days they will be forgotten. Won't be mentioned on television, no more wasted ads in the mailbox, nothing in the papers, just the perpetual wish by the people for something better. (how ironic is that? we elect them, then wish we hadn't) The politicians will do what they do best.....take our money and spend it with an uncontrollable and insatiable appetite on unnecessary items and functions. Continual bashing of one another trying to gain favor with this group or that. They'll keep the fingers pointing and the next scandal brewing. They won't do much else. They never do. It matters not who is in office or what their election season ideals were, it will be business as usual. If you can keep someone else on the defensive, you'll never have to own up to your own shortcomings or lack of ability. They'll be spending money and making more and more laws. They'll say something that will piss someone off then they will spend the following days trying to explain how they were misunderstood. It's sorta sad. Whatever happened to honesty and personal integrity? Where did that go? Why can't we say what we mean the first time, then stand by what we believe? That's not politically popular. In fact, many times it would be political suicide. The United States was the greatest nation on earth until we were overcome with massive amounts of self interest and greed, both on a national level and on a personal level. Ah well, someday we will reap what we have sown. It has to be. It is written. It can be no other way. You see, it makes sense. That's something else that we've forgotten about. Common sense. It has gone the way of the Dodo.
Have a great day! Ride your bike!
Peace out, yo!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006