St. Cloud, Minnesota....

Quarry Park....


Don't fall asleep or you'll get wet....
The Yellow Bike....
Turn right, ride up and over the rocks....
Short rock garden....
Slightly longer singletrack rock garden....
"Deep 7"
Judy and I drove up to St. Cloud Wednesday morning to spend a couple of days doing mostly nothing. I took The Yellow Bike and rode for about 3 hours in Quarry Park on Thursday morning. You'll find a little bit of everything in the park, gravel roads, dirt trails, rocks, flats, climbs.... It's a very nice place and not too far from town. I'm thinking about another trip up there later this fall to ride with a couple of friends from our plant up there. Crazy bicycle guys! Anyone interested?
Thursday afternoon found us in Munsinger Park in St. Cloud looking at some beautiful flower gardens. Pictures of that to follow later.
We drove back home on Friday morning and stopped at Lakewood Cemetary in Minneapolis to look for the graves of some of Judy's ancestors. It's another beautiful place to visit.
The local Trek dealer in St. Cloud is now out of business. They had group rides twice a week that regularly attracted 30 or more riders. Rumor here and there has it that Erik's will be opening a Specialized Concept Store up there. The "Thousand Pound Gorilla" down the street is now carrying Trek and Gary Fisher as well as Specialized (for now). (The same gorilla that we have here....) I think that they make it difficult for the small shop to exist, just as they do here. (I will say though that their sales staff is much more knowledgable than the ones here at that one store that sells bikes as well as everything else.) Perhaps Erik's will bring some much needed competition to the area.
I have a new project that should be taking shape here within the next week or so. It's "lemon-lime" green. Pics to follow....
That's it for now. Keep riding....
Peace out, yo!