Cedar River at Janesville....

The roll out to Union Road was at a good pace but uneventful. I think there were 10 of us when we crossed First Street and headed down the drop that leads to the climb up to the viaduct near The Retreat House.
The group stayed together over this rise and down the other side. It stayed together to Beaver Hills and beyond. It was still together at Beaver Valley Road, which is when I think things started to get crazy.
It looked like Doug went off the front, then the group spread out as David and Pete and a couple of others went after him. I bridged up to
Jackal and
Striker for a couple minutes but couldn't hang on. What was I thinking? LOL. They're all animals. A couple more riders went by and I hung on for a ways but had to let them go.
The wind was out of the north east tonight and it just wasn't to be. It wasn't terrible but it was enough to make one work. I'm pretty happy with my ride though since I am able to stay with the group much longer than I could last year. I'm taking Jackal's advice this year and hanging on till it hurts. Gotta get faster that way, eh?
The super fast guys headed west at C57 to beat the hell out of each other going into Finchford then up 3 tier hill. 5 of us kept going north at that intersection and then continued on to Winslow Road then east into Janesville.
The ride down old 218 from Janesville was much easier tonight with the wind at our backs. Didn't get caught by the fast guys until we got back to Cedar Falls.
A little incident at the Cedar River bridge in Cedar Falls when someone rolling along in a big pickup wanted to argue with Redg about bicycles being on the road. The Thin Man and Dave rolled right up in support and the situation defused itself pretty quickly. I hit a pot hole pretty hard when the truck slowed down in front of us but it doesn't appear that there was any damage to my wheels. Had me worried for a second, though. A little old lady in a big truck wanting to argue with 7 cyclists. Hmmmm.... :0 Kinda funny, in hindsight.
Saw Brother of Jackal and Carlie rolling through the intersection of 1st and Franklin while we were waiting for the light. Goooo Tats!!!!
Tons of fun riding in the group at high speed, eh Redg? That was good stuff out there tonight! You be da' man!
Not sure yet what the weather will be like for the remainder of the week and the weekend. Heading to Arizona on Sunday for a few days.... Should be good! Maybe I'll get some sun on these "whale belly white" arms and legs.
That's it for now.
Ride safe.
Peace out, yo!